2015-16 Americans in the EU

Building Golden Gate Bridges

Volunteering has always been and will always be a critical part of my life. Over the years, I’ve discovered that despite my best efforts, painting murals at elementary schools and cleaning dishes at soup kitchens are not my strong suits when it comes to volunteering. My real passion and dare I say strength lies in […]

2015-16 Americans in the EU

From 19 Hours of Darkness to 22 Hours of Light: A Fulbright-Schuman’s stay in Finland and Sweden

On January 9, I left a very sunny Jamaica to voluntarily fly to Helsinki, Finland. I arrived in Helsinki at -20 degrees Celsius (-4 degrees Fahrenheit), just in time for two feet of fresh snow to be dumped on my doorstep that night. Hailing from Philadelphia, I can manage snow, but -20 degrees and only […]

2015-16 Americans in the EU

How to Have Super Powers

To everyone I have met who has asked, What is it like being a Fulbright-Schuman Scholar?, I have answered this way—it’s like having Super Powers. It’s an incredible feeling that is life changing. The Super Powers are intoxicating, and I feel these powers in my very core right now. It is everything you are while […]

2015-16 2016 Europeans in the USA

Bringing a family on the Fulbright Schuman Program

Coming across the Atlantic with a family requires creativity, the endurance to fill out a big pile of forms, and a truckload of patience. But based on my so-far very short experience in the States, it is definitely worth it. In this blog post, I want to share a few things that our family has […]

2015-16 Europeans in the USA

Fulbright-Schuman Experience at UT Austin

Let me start by saying that Austin is considered the world capital of Live Music… So, there is no night at beautiful Austin downtown without high quality blues, jazz, rock, etc… Just choose your preferred rhythm and you will find a pleasant bar with your type of music. You can enhance the experience by combining […]

2015-16 Europeans in the USA

My First Weeks as a Fulbright Schuman EU Visiting student researcher at Stanford

After more than a month at Stanford University, it seems that I spent more than a year! There are so many activities going on in the campus that I cannot believe (still) that this is true and not the dream. Yesterday, for instance, I had a very exciting day: in the afternoon, I discussed the […]