Dr Cian Murphy, a Fulbright-Schumann Scholar at NYU School of Law, spoke recently at Cornell Law School on his work on the transnationalisation of counter-terrorism law. Dr Murphy’s lecture, ‘Control Beyond the State: Towards an Understanding of Transnational Counter-Terrorism Law’, brought the audience through an exploration of six different aspects of legal transnationalisation. In his forthcoming work he will argue that the process of transnationalisation renders accountability for counter-terrorism excesses even more difficult than at national level. Dr Murphy’s research gives cause for concern about the implications of transnational law for civil society and free debate in the public sphere. The lecture, which was hosted by the Berger International Legal Studies Program at Cornell Law School, took in examples including the Kadi litigation before the European Court of Justice, and the case of the LTTE in Sri Lanka. In discussion with the audience afterwards Dr Murphy gave his thoughts on the role of initiatives such as Wikileaks in providing alternative forms of accountability, as well as the ongoing role of the UN Security Council in global counter-terrorism.